Message from the Editor: Welcome to the limbic nephrology

By Michael Woodhead

21 Mar 2024

Dear reader,

Welcome to the limbic nephrology newsletter  – the first of what will be a regular source of independent news for medical specialists with an interest in kidney health in Australia and New Zealand.

Like our other specialty limbic e-newsletters, we will bring you up-to-date and relevant news and features covering evidence-based clinical care, research and medicopolitical issues relating to nephrology.

By way of introduction, the limbic started by a couple of medical journalists in Sydney in 2015 as a simple website and handful of weekly email newsletters for physicians in specialities such as rheumatology and oncology.

Almost a decade later, we’ve expanded our news coverage to nine specialties (haematology, cardiology, gastroenterology, neurology, respiratory medicine, dermatology) and have reporters based in Queensland and Victoria, as well as in the UK.

The limbic has also grown to encompass medical education, organising face-to-face meetings and webinar events in partnership with leading specialists and professional organisations.

At the limbic we value our news values of independence, relevance and timeliness. We also value open and collegial discussion among our specialist audience, with a moderated comment feature now available on all our articles.

We look forward to bringing you the news that matters in nephrology and welcome your feedback to help ensure the limbic meets your needs.

Let us know what you think!

Michael Woodhead


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