International leadership role for Prof Peter Ebeling


8 Sep 2020

Professor Peter Ebeling

Victorian endocrinologist Professor Peter Ebeling has been announced as President-Elect of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR).

It is regarded as a significant honour given he will be the first President to be elected outside of North America in the Society’s history.

Prof Ebeling, Head of the Department of Medicine in the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health, has been an ASBMR Councillor for seven years, where he has served as Editor-in-Chief of JBMR Plus and been part of three ASBMR Task Forces.

Publications arising from the ASBMR Task Forces have changed clinical practice and health policy and garnered over 3,700 citations.

Almost half of the membership of ASBMR are from outside the US.

Professor Ebeling said he will aim to “increase the profile of international members as well as membership by increasing the role of virtual offerings, including hybrid form meetings post COVID-19.”

“Australia has always punched above its weight in bone and mineral research and I hope my presidency will further cement the preeminent role of Australia in bone and mineral research, leading to more international collaborations and grant opportunities for Australian researchers”, he added.

“I also want to encourage more participation of Early Career Researchers and support the work of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee to ensure ASBMR embodies all facets of diversity so that members can thrive in the bone and mineral research field. This is particularly important at the current time in the USA.”

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