A new look for the limbic


15 May 2023

Dear reader,

the limbic looks different  – and it’s changed for the better.

When the limbic started in 2015, it was with a basic website and handful of weekly email newsletters for specialist physicians in specialities such as rheumatology and oncology.

Seven years on, we’ve grown to encompass medical education via face-to-face meetings and webinar events, and have gained wider engagement across a range of specialties. As part of that journey, we’ve received a welcome stream of feedback from physicians about our content and commentary on our articles and education programs.

In line with our aim to be more focused and relevant to our specialties and to improve the ways in which we engage with you, we are refreshing the limbic website. This new format will make it easier for you to find and access our education content, while retaining the latest news headlines and images to keep you informed about the week’s events.

Join the conversation

We’re also excited to be introducing a comments function on our articles, to enable you to engage with us – and your peers directly. In the spirit of collegial discussion and transparency, comments will be published as part of your real name registration and will be moderated.

The new the limbic home page is simpler, less cluttered and more open, with more images and more specific topic tags to make it easier to read and navigate.

We hope you like our next stage of growth as much as we do. Please let us know what you think through the new comments section!

 Michael Woodhead

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